Preovolos Lewin Law Firm | A large American flag waves in the foreground while colorful fireworks burst in the night sky behind it.

Hurt By Illegal Fireworks? Fireworks Injury Attorneys Review The Law.

Hurt By Illegal Fireworks? Fireworks Injury Attorneys Review The Law As Independence Day approaches, San Diego explodes with vibrant firework displays and backyard celebrations. Yet, amidst the festive atmosphere lurks a hidden danger: illegal fireworks. These unregulated explosives pose a significant threat, and getting hurt by them can have serious legal and medical repercussions. This…

A person writing the word approved with a green marker while applying for the Paycheck Protection Program.
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Paycheck Protection Program – How to Apply

We want to make sure our clients are taking advantage of the Paycheck Protection Program (“PPP”). This loan program helps small businesses (generally 500 employees or less) keep their employees on the payroll and to provide funds to operate their businesses. Small businesses can get a PPP loan from their bank and use it to pay payroll,…